Monday, September 22, 2008


What can the American consumer do to get food imports from China banned? Melamine-laced milk injurying and killing babies by the thousands is the last straw. How horrific can you get? Last year their criminal activities reached the U.S. via melamine in our pet food products. The products may have been manufactured in the United States but some of the ingredients were from China. This was kept relatively quiet, considering the amount of pet deaths that occurred.

Now, even if this is greatly publicized, the FDA will keep this under wraps as much as possible - and will check only the obvious, ie, Chinese labelled milk products. But there are at least two National brands, Krafts and General Mills that do business with China, importing milk whey, milk protein concentrate, and other ingredients that go into their food products. So we really don't know what foods we eat which might have ingredients from China in them.

I've written to the FDA expressing my concerns, but I'd really like to see our country stop importing food entirely from China. Anyone have a plan as to how consumers can get this accomplished? Maybe a bill enacted? Massive boycotts of grocery stores?
***Here is a link on a recent article I found on this issue. What effect will the USFDA have now that they have offices in Beijing, and several other Asian locations? Will this bring better protection to U.S. citizens or will this bring an even bigger cover-up - scandalous practices in China - you know, big companies, big bucks.

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