Sunday, February 1, 2009


This is my first square foot garden bed. First, I was just going to have a container garden on my patio (which is progressing nicely),

and then I was looking up something on Google and came across something called Square Foot Gardening - which peaked my interest - and upon reading more, learned there was a guy named Mel Bartholomew who had discovered a very easy way to garden and wrote a book about it called "Square Foot Gardening "in the '80s. Now he has another book out called "New Square Foot Gardening" which has his newest discoveries to make gardening easy. He makes it sound so easy that anyone can do it (even making the frames for the garden beds). So I went out and bought the lumber, hardware etc and built my first SFG box. Today I painted the wood for box #2 and #3. In Box #1 I have planted eight broccolis, eight kohlrabis, 1 brussel sprout, and 4 pansies. And today I transplanted a Big Boy tomato plant I bought in the garden shop. I have five tomato seedlings that will be ready to put in the garden in about 6-7 weeks. In the meantime I just got the brainy idea to plant radishes in the three spaces reserved for the tomatoes since they would be ready to harvest just before time to plant the tomatoes! I can't wait to get the other two boxes done!

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